The Hip-Fin is a product specifically designed to help lessen or eliminate pain in your lower back, hip, or lower leg by releasing tightness in your hip flexor muscles. A lot of pain in these common areas actually originates elsewhere in the body, but the pain itself is felt in your knee, or back, etc. This is known as referral pain, and your hip flexors are notorious for referring pain to other parts of your body. It is possible to have legitimate pain that is not referred from elsewhere, and thus require targeted treatment directly to the affected area such as the back or legs. Even in cases like these however, the hip flexors can play a huge role in eliminating that pain. The iliacus and psoas major muscles are some of the largest muscles in your body, and until now the only way to target them was by going to a physical therapist or massage therapist.
Everyone suffers from tight hips. If you sit, run, workout (to name a few activities), your hip flexors are hard at work which means they are tightening up. Think of them as any other muscles in your body. If you do squats or deadlifts, your muscles get tight and you take action to loosen them up. Hips are exactly the same and although it used to be difficult to get relief, the Hip-Fin was designed to target both the iliacus and psoas major muscles anywhere you are!
You can use the Hip-Fin anytime: after a workout, after driving or sitting at a desk for a long time, before a workout, before you go to bed. If your hips feel tight or you are engaging in an activity that will cause hip tightness, use the Hip-Fin for relief.
Check out our How To page. There you will find detailed written instructions along with a detailed video showing you exactly how to position and use the Hip-Fin.
There is no set time to measure how long you should use the Hip-Fin on each muscle. However, when you start to feel the muscle relax you should stop. If you have ever used a trigger ball or foam roller, you already know what this feels like. It will hurt initially because the muscle is so tight, but as the tool works and the muscle releases, it will become noticeably easier. That is your cue to move on to the next muscle!
You absolutely are! The iliacus and psoas are found on both sides of your body, don't leave anyone hanging!
Absolutely! The femoral triangle is the area on your body near the groin which contains several important structures (veins, arteries, nerves). If you were to apply pressure in this area for a prolonged period of time with anything (Hip-Fin, trigger ball, other products), you could cause numbness or tingling down into your leg. This is an immediate indicator something is wrong! However, the hip flexor muscles are much higher than the femoral triangle and as long as the instructions are followed properly, you will be on your way to relief! Check out our Safe Use page again and let us know if you have any more questions!
Contact us via email at orders@hip-fin.com and we will take care of you.
The fastest way to get in touch with us with any of your questions or comments is via email at support@hip-fin.com. You can also send us a message on Instagram at HipFin
Yes, it is;)